Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Archangel Uriel: The Exchange of Blessings

Channelled by Jennifer Hoffman


This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for June 18, 2012

Every interaction is an exchange of blessings, from your relationship with the earth to every person you connect with. While there is a range of connections available to you, according to your soul’s growth, healing promises, soul contracts and healing commitments, there is a shift in these connections with each new level of understanding you reach and you do this recognizing the exchange of blessings in every situation.

You are blessed by everyone and everything and you also give blessings to everyone and everything. These may not be what you think of as blessings, but they are. A blessing is any exchange of energy, without judgment as to what a blessing is and is not, or how it is received or rejected.

Blessings include all aspects of learning, from those which you feel blessed by to those you find painful and challenging. To receive all of the blessings in every situation, see yourself as both student and teacher, giving and receiving. When you give you share your energy and open someone else to the potential of their own light.

You receive through the learning and healing you experience in these connections. It is not important if you are rejected, ask to be shown the blessings you receive. Sometimes others are not willing to receive the blessings of your gift but that is part of their healing path. The most important aspect is how you are blessed.

When you give to others you open an energetic connection to them. If your intention is to heal, help or otherwise change them, the path to blessings is very limited. Are you willing to open your heart space without expectation? Sometimes a blessing comes in the form of a strong rejection, a denial of your light and an inability to connect with you energetically. This merely shows you that the other person is not where you thought they were, but they are on their own path. This blesses you with closure and knowing that this connection cannot proceed at this time.

Other blessings can include acceptance and a shared journey that blesses you with love, joy, peace, and connection. Accept this with gratitude in the moment, do not fear that it will be over or end. The human desire for permanence limits your ability to appreciate blessings.

Each situation exists to bless you with learning, healing, growth and transformation. See everything in light of those aspects and you will recognize each blessing in the wholeness of its learning and divinity. All things exist to bless you on your path as you move from healing to wholeness, from the limitations of fear to the expansion of light, from the journey of ascension to the fulfillment of your emergence as a divine spiritual human.

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